You girls fucking rule.
I did it.. I did the audition and was hired on the spot!
I'm a regular now! I'm officially a Showgirl, a Pole Dancer, an Exotic Dancer!
Let me say something on behalf of pole dancer..they deserve so much more respect than they get.
After my first night (walked out with 80..worked on stage a total of 30 mins lol) I was sore as hell.
I literally felt as though two big strapping black men beat the shit out of me with two by fours. Its been over 24 hours since my last set and I still feel terrible.It's the most grueling workout I've ever done.
But there are results immediately...other than pole bruises and bright purple bruises on my knees from floor work,,,but im tone and tight with sexy legs unveiling themselves.
The girls there, for the most part, are great.
My first actual set on my first song some guy made it rain on me... I mean literally. And after all the years of hearing pop songs sing about making it rain on a stripper or in the club I never got it...but once I felt a dozen ones shimmer down my body I understood why they write songs about it.
It's an amazing feeling because not every girl has gotten rained on so when you feel special.
Later after my set I went backstage and changed and hustled the floor..just chatting up the men, so I talked to the "rain maker" guy and he told me I had the best body of any girl at the club :) that made me a happy little monster.
So after all was said in done I made about 80 bucks my first day (but I had to pay the house fee and tipp the DJ) Went home tired as a dog and ironed my cash.-Ty loves it now..he went and watched me dance and thought it was sexy as hell that I could arouse every man there and go home with him.
I'm his private dancer.
Seriously we fucked on a Charlie Sheen status the night he saw me dance.
So I've got to get ready.. I work 10pm-2am tonight.
Straighten my hair, get dolled up..roll in a pool full of glitter..the usual.. lmao
I love this job...I work so much that I don't have time to eat and if I did I'd work it off easily. you girls know.. I love glitter and I get to wear it for work..and heels and flirt and let guys buy me drinks all night long :) Hehehe I'm a happy little monster!
Btw my Stage name is Diana...