Sarcasm, Eating Disorders, College Life, and everything else.. Oh and for those who hate cursing.. Fuck you. Just kidding.. But seriously.

Jun 23, 2011

Fasting day 4.

OMG I wanna die... I am feeling terrible..
Still going strong though..
I feel as though I've be pissing since I woke up...

Wish me luck! Tomorrow is the DREADED DAY 5!!

(Early morning June 24th)
-I don't know if it's safe to take laxies while fasting but I did. I feel like stuff needs to come out. My stomach is flatter today...I just wish my thighs would disappear. I'm feeling okay now... I was just so tired from day three. 
I feel fat. Starving is easier than feeling fat.

Jun 22, 2011

Fasting day 3. Short post again!

I am going strong! Yay! 
I actually thought it'd be terrible because I exerted SO much energy yesterday but I had a long nights sleep and woke up refreshed and not hungry!
I had some MAJOR hunger pains last night at about 7pm but they went away after 30 mins or so.
Thank you for the lovely comments and Thank you for complimenting my looks although I'm certain that girl is a million times more beautiful!

I don't think I'll be doing videos every day... they suck to upload but I want to do them every five days with weigh ins.

I love you all and thank you for supporting me through this fast! Next big mile marker is day five which is Friday and I'll be 1/6 of the way finished.

Jun 21, 2011

Fasting day 2. Short post!

Thanks for all the support!
So far so good. I didn't feel good AT ALL yesterday but today I'm doing fine!

Nothing but water! So zero calories yesterday and today!

Day two is usually easier than day on so this was expected. I'm not posting a video today because my apartment furniture arrived so I'm setting up stuff all day!

Love you all! Keep my strong!


p.s- isn't that girl beautiful! ENVY!

Jun 20, 2011

100th Wonderous Post!

Thanks to all of you wonderful support and love over the year I've reached my 100th post!
Over the last 100 posts I have gone from 160 pounds down to the one-teens and fluctuated.
I've moved apartments, started going to college, struggled with my love life, had ups and mental downs, got a pet bunny, and overall had a great year. 

So, today is the beginning of my 30 day fast! June 20th-July 20th!
I posted my video on PT as well as youtube.
I will try to update as much as possible.
I'm not even hungry and the day is nearly over! 
Please give me support and I promise to not let you all down.

Sorry I look like crap! 

Now for some fun and happy thinspo!