Sarcasm, Eating Disorders, College Life, and everything else.. Oh and for those who hate cursing.. Fuck you. Just kidding.. But seriously.

Jun 10, 2011

Pre-Fast Thin Talk

Ravenous Replies
Liz- My darling, I'm so happy for you! I'm posting a bunch of sexy curve-spo just for you! And btw I'm a 36D cup so I understand boobs but I have a white girl ass lol I'm working on getting a sexy badonkadonk ;)
Anafly- You are so amazingly sincere! Thank you so much darling...
Starv.Art- Bows are cute and feminine they remind me of innocence :) And Just for you today's blog will be dedicated to pre-fast methodology :)

Pre Fast 
I've researched this many many times and I've done fasts dozens of times.
First: Are you up to a fast?
When fasting your body is going under a deep amount of distress. When you were born you body was clean and delicate and due to wear and tear it is extremely stressed out. When fasting you have to make sure you are healthy enough to do it.
People who are ill advised to fast are those who are pregnant, have heart conditions, underweight, and have mental disorders. Also those with diabetes. No matter your health seeking medical approval from a licensed physician is recommended.  Also deep mental preparation is needed. All through your life food has been around you and emotion has deep ties to eating..breaking these habits take strength.

The Days Before a Fast:
They say that if you take the time you are going to fast and divide it in half that is the amount of days your should be spending on easing into the fast. For example if you are going to do a 10 day fast take five days to slowly shed certain foods from your diet and for the last two days of the ease in period try to remove food entirely and do a natural juice fast until the water fast.

The reason you should always ease into a fast is because your digestion system takes up so much energy that even after you eat something your digestive system is still breaking it down for around 20 hours! It's putting in work for you all the time every day and unless you've fasted before it has never gotten a break. Immediately stopping such a hectic cycle will cause you to feel sick. And conclusively when you end a fast you should end it almost the same way you started..end fast, juice fast, water based foods, then food.

What happens during extended water fasts?
Well you lose a ton of weight and that will be the most noticeable sign. However, there are many side affects to water fasting. Toxin and Waste disposal- your tongue will have a peeling film, your urine and bowls will change, your skin will seem dirty a lot, you'll have mucus, headaches (at first) and terrible breath. These are happening because your body is addressing the toxins stored in your body. With all the extra energy that isn't being used in your digestion your body is taking that time to fix all your other problems. People have said that during fasts illnesses have been cured and injuries have healed.

I hope that helped you! And here is a FANTASTIC link with more and probably better info:


Jun 9, 2011

Preparations of Summer Fast

Hello little monsters!

I've just finished reading so many of your blogs!
Today has been kinda blah..this whole summer has.
-My brother knocked up an idiot and she's keeping the demon seed baby.
-My moms pill addiction remains a terrifying steady high. Though no matter how doped she was she didn't forget to mention how skinny I was... all the fucking time. 
I love her, still.
So I'm happyish okay with my weight but I want to do an experiment...
I want to do a 30 day fast

I want to do it for a self discovery thing..ish
Its not even about weight really although hell, who am I kidding, its a bonus.

I watched this lady on youtube do a 40 day fast and she did it to bring herself closer to God which I can respect but this fast will not be about God.
I want to see how the body works and responds to the withdrawls of food and learn how to reset my metabolism and cravings. I heard that after prolonged fasts the person can change, in their favor, how they eat and how they view eating.

So starting June 20th I will embark on such a fast and VLOG it everyday. I am calorie/fat restricting till the 15th then doing a proper preparation for 5 days. The fast till the 20th of July. I have people that will be helping me along the way but you all can help me.
I'm excited.
Well little monsters here is some kick ass thinspo...


P.S- I miss you all.

Jun 6, 2011

Fade back to thin..

I truly want to thank all of you for the lovely comments on my before and after post. I grew strong from those compliments.. That feeling we all strive for, the acceptance and approval I felt that briefly again thanks to all of you. 
To the reader who said he/she (anonymous) said they were jealous...don't be. This last year has been a struggle. It's been nearly 13 months of anorexic thoughts, feelings and behaviors. I will be posting and reading more heavily now that its summer.

Since that last post I fear that I've gained weight.. Not a lot but enough to make me relapse into the worst of things. I am promising not to purge ever again! 

So here I sit at my laptop, smarties, that's his name... 
Just blog reading fading.

Last night I moved Ty's hand from my stomach for the first time in about a month.. He had such a pained look in his eyes.. We are for the first time back to the paradise our relationship used to be at. It's been amazing.
He's in the navy and he's out to sea for the next week and a half... It's heart wrenching.
If you have a military bf or hubby you know the pain... 

Missing him is like a hunger pain.. 
It's deep and resonating and it reminds you of how empty you are without him.

I'm going to be posting videos more and more too. I miss talking to you girls I miss the connection.
Even though I'm never on here I pray for all you girls and think of you often.

Oh btw, I got the Flat Belly Diet book and its very helpful..It's what helped me with the last inch of belly fat I needed to lose..It's very healthy and I recommend it.

I love you all.