Thank you everyone for the comments and support. I guess when I look at the first and last photo I can see a difference. But when I look in the mirror I still resemble a walrus or perhaps an elephant. So I went to the doctor and I'm good. My blood work came back "normal" for an anemic.
-I found out the calcium aides in burning fat so I'm taking calcium supplements with magnesium so that they absorb better.
- The starve-a-thon will resume from a day zero stand point and go for 2 weeks to 4 weeks.
-Tyler told me he will support me 100% in losing weight because it'll make me happy. He's gonna stop bringing junk food in the house, go to the gym more, and he'll stop asking me to eat. But like all good things including sex, drugs, and chocolate there is a catch. If I go below 115 he'll stop me.
Although 110-100 would be much better I cannot complain...outloud at least.
Workout Regime
-I will be doing 3hour workout sessions twice a week, and a 1 hour workout on the weekend.
-Tuesdays are weight training and Circuit Training class.
-Thursdays are pure cardio and Circuit Training class.
**On weeks where I hit a plateau I will workout an extra two hours.
So I'mma avoid all food by exstensive: cleaning, homework, doing my hair and nails and sleep.
Love you all and remember my little monsters